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Cruz, E. A. (2019). Issue Information. Revista Estomatología, 27(2).
Editor in chief
Judy Elena Villavicencio
Edison Andrés Cruz Olivo

Scientific Committee
Roger Arce, DDS, M.Sc., PhD., Gerogia Regents University, United States. .
Héctor Ríos, DDS, PhD., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States. .
Erika Benavides, DDS, PhD., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States. .
Jorge Gamonal, DDS, PhD., Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile.
Editorial Committee
Lucas Guimarães Abreu, DDS, MSc., PhD., Universidad Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Esperanza Cortes, DDS, MSc., PhD., Universidad Minas Gerais, Brazil.;
Carina Montalvany, DDS, MSc., PhD., Pontificia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Jorge Andrés Fernández, DDS, MSc., Universidad C.E.S., Colombia.
Sergio Antonucci, DDS, MSc., PhD., Centro Universitario Newton Paiva, Brazil. .
Dhelfeson W. Douglas-de-Oliveira, DDS, MSc., PhD., Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Brazil. .
Jairo Corchuelo, DDS, MSc., PhD., Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Associate Editors
Carlos Martínez Cajas, DDS, MSc., Prof. Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia Unicoc, Cali, Colombia. .
Sebastián Medina, DDS, MSc., Prof. Departmento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Freddy Moreno Gómez, DDS, MSc., Prof. Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia. .

Editor Emeritus
Adolfo Contreras Renjifo, DDS, MSc., PhD., Prof. Emeritus School of Dentistry, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Yesid Solarte, MSc., Revista Estomatología, Colombia.

Editorial Assistants
Daniel Arango, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Tatiana Chicango, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Rodolfo Cruz, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
María del Mar Diaz, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Carolina Parodi, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Alexandra Castillo, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Daniela Casallas, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.

Social Media
Johann Valencia, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.
Jhonathan Santacruz, Revista Estomatología, Colombia.

Graphic Designer
Juliana Caballero, United States.

Site Administrator
Samuel Ramirez, Eng., Colombia.

To spread relevant Latinamerican scientific research worldwide.

Revista Estomatologia (e-ISNN 2248-7220) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge and information developed from scientific researches on all areas of oral and systemic medicine of the human being. It addresses itself primarily to researchers in the field of health sciences, university professors, undergraduate and postgraduate students, dental clinicians and specialized practitioners in the field of health sciences.
Articles published in Revista Estomatologia (e-ISNN 2248-7220) are summarized and indexed in the following indexes, repositories and catalogs: ICMJE, DOAJ, EBSCO-Fuente Académica, REDIB, LILACs, BIREME, LATINDEX, SHERPA/RoMEO, GALE - Informe Academico, Dialnet, ROAD and Google Schoolar.
This journal was founded in 1991 is owned by a non-profit organization, Universidad del Valle, and serves the scientific community strictly following the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on publication ethics policies for medical journals. In addition, we declared to have signed DORA's principles as well as having a position in favor of the responsible use of metrics but not the use of impact factor (IF) to evaluate the journals and researchers.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC-ND.

Vol. 27 N. 2 Revista Estomatología 2019
Medio siglo de vida y progresos en la Escuela de Odontología de la Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia: hechos relevantes de la última década.
1 - 10, Judy Villavicencio, Adolfo Contreras, Jesús Hernández, Freddy Moreno

Osteonecrosis Maxilar asociada a bifosfonatos en Cali, Colombia
11-18, Miguel Evelio León & Carlos Valencia

Surgical and nonsurgical treatment of papillary hyperplasia: A case report
19-26, Edison Andrés Cruz Olivo, Pedro Palo Castro, Herney Garzón Rayo

Alteración de la dimensión vertical: Revisión de la literatura
27-37, María Alejandra Barragán-Paredes, Carlos Alberto Viveros-Rebolledo, Herney Garzón Rayo

Revista Estomatologia (e-ISNN 2248-7220) is indexed in ICMJE, DOAJ, EBSCO-Fuente Académica, REDIB, LILACs, BIREME, LATINDEX, SHERPA/RoMEO, GALE-Informe Academico, Dialnet, ROAD and Google Scholar. It was founded in 1991 and is owned by a non-profit organization Universidad del Valle. This journal serves the scientific community strictly following the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations on publication ethics policies for medical journals.

Revista Estomatologia (e-ISNN 2248-7220; DOI. 10.25100) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge and information developed from scientific researches on all areas of oral and systemic medicine of the human being. It addressees itself primarily to clinicians, dental clinicians, general and specialized practitioners, university professors, researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, strictly following the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on publication ethics policies for medical journals