Continuous Publication
Main Article Content
Continuous publication is defined as the publication of manuscripts in a scientific journal without periodicity and continuously, in order to accelerate the publication of results from author’s research. In this edition model, the manuscript is published immediately its acceptance and after being evaluated by peer reviewers.
This way of edition has been used since 2013 by several scientific journals world wide, and have been accepted by editors with high satisfaction in terms of improved production workflow, decreased dependence on production deadlines and increased speed of research dissemination.
Pérez Andrés C. La publicación continua frente a la publicación periódica. Otra Vuelta de tuerca en la edición de las revistas científicas en internet. Rev Esp Salud Pública 2015;89:533-536.
Godlee F, Delamothe T, Smith J. BMJ 2008;336:1450. Doi:10.1136/bmj.a491
Allegra CJ. Continuous publication of JNCI. JNCI. Available in:
Anderton S, Harvey L. Continuous publication: ready, set, cite! BJR. Available in:
Schule R. Continuous publication. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2013;42(6):20130124. Doi:10.1259/dmfr.20130124. Epub 2013 Apr 11.
Ahmad S. Continuous publication and beyond. J Cell Sci. 2018 Jan 8;131(1):jcs214841. Doi: 10.1242/jcs.214841.
Hayman R. Editors view the continuous publication model as a satisfactory alternative for open access LIS journals. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 2014 Sep 9;9(3):83-85.
Public Knowledge Project. Open Journal System. Available in:
- Edison Andrés Cruz Olivo, Pedro Pablo Castro Morales, Herney Garzón Rayo, Surgical and nonsurgical treatment of papillary hyperplasia: A case report , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 27 No. 2 (2019)
- Edison Andrés Cruz Olivo, 3D Printing in Dental Science , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)
- Edison Andrés Cruz Olivo, Internationalize a cientific journal: Knowledge Showcase , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 28 No. 1 (2020)
- Edison Andres Cruz Olivo, Miguel Evelio León Arcia, Jorge Soto Franco, Scaling and Root Planing in smoker patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Periodontitis: Clinical and microbiological effects , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 18 No. 2 (2010)

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