Dentigerous Cyst - Case Report
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Summary: Dentigerous cyst is a casual clinical finding
associated with an alteration on the eruption of canine, premolares and third molars. Its
diagnostics is bassed on routinare periapical and panoramic Rx examinations. A space folicular
bigger than 3 mm around the crown of a tooth is a reasonable approach to diagnose the lesion like
cyst dentígerous. Dentígerous cyst is considered the second more frecuent maxilary odontogenic cyst
and represent 24% of the jaw cysts, its biggest incidence it is presented between the second and
third decade of the life and is characterized to be asymptomatic, for the expansion and loss of the
cortical wall even producing facial asymmetries, radicular reabsorptions of contiguous teeth, pain,
parestesia, gingival hiperplasy, infection, fistule and pathological fractures. It is recommended
then to retire the impacted teeth to prevent the occurrence of cysts and tumors. Key words:
Dentígerous cyst. Included tooth. Mandibular radiolucencies.
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