Identification of candida in mouth cavity of patients with diabetes and hiv / aids IDENTIFICACIÓN DE CANDIDA EN CAVIDAD BUCAL DE PACIENTES CON DIABÉTES Y VIH/SIDA
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Introduction: Candida is an invasive microorganism that becomes pathogenic when there is an alteration in the balance of the flora or in the weakening of the host. It can generate important infections in healthy and immunodeficient people.
Objective: to characterize Candida in two different pathological conditions such as diabetes, acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Method: A systematic review was carried out according to the protocol based on the PRISMA declaration checklist using the following databases: Clinical Key®, Medline®, PubMed®, Scielo® and indexed journals.
Results: The disease in the which was the highest prevalence of Candida infections was HIV / AIDS, the type of Candida that was found was C. albicans, the type of candidiasis that occurred most frequently in individuals with HIV / AIDS was Pseudomembranous and Erythematous. Diabetes mellitus type II was the most common type of diabetes, the most common type of Candida was C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. krusey, the type of candidiasis that prevailed was erythematous.
Conclusion: We can conclude that C. albicans is most prevalent among oral diseases in immunocompromised patients and with HIV / AIDS, due to the susceptibility of the organism to certain infections.
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Accepted 2020-04-10
Published 2022-02-07

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