Perfil del odontólogo egresado de la Universidad del Valle
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The goal of this study was to describe the real situation of the dentists who graduated from the University of the Valley at Call-Colombia, using as a frame of reference the direct relationship between training, performance and personal satisfaction in professional activities. A descriptive study was designed taking into consideration 328 dentists who graduated from 1982 to 1994. From this population, 96 dentists were selected at random. First, telephone communication was made to explain the purpose of the research and then a tested questionaire was delivered personally to be filled out. The results showed that the majority of the dentists were based at urban labor areas. Practice at private dental clinics was the main source of work. Some labored in different official and private institutions. Others worked as administrators and several were devoted to teaching. Most of the dentists expressed personal satisfaction. They also suggested, that the University offer courses of up-to-date scientific education and training.
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