Systemic Factors in Dental Implant Therapy Insights from the Literature
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Objective: Dental implant therapy has emerged as a reliable and widely accepted solution for rehabilitating partially or fully edentulous patients. This review aims to explore the evolution of dental implant success metrics and the critical patient-related factors influencing implant outcomes.
Background: Dental implants have undergone significant advancements since the clinical success reports in the 1970s and 1980s. The initial focus on long-term implant survival has expanded to include considerations of aesthetics, functionality, and patient satisfaction. These developments have been driven by the advent of improved implant surfaces, innovative surgical techniques, and a more comprehensive understanding of success criteria.
Significance: Modern dentistry requires more than providing functional solutions for missing teeth. Patients now demand long-lasting aesthetic and functional outcomes that align with enhanced quality of life and their overall health. Thus, dental professionals must navigate a range of systemic, anatomical, and physiological factors when planning implant therapy.
Conclusion: Delivering successful dental implant treatment necessitates a thorough understanding of patient-specific variables, including health conditions, longevity, and expectations. By addressing these factors, clinicians can optimize outcomes, ensuring patient satisfaction and treatment longevity.
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- Andres Felipe Aguirre Osorio, Trigeminal Neuralgia: Anticonvulsants and Antidepressants , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 31 No. 2 (2023)
Accepted 2024-12-09
Published 2024-12-09

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