The effectiveness of apple, sugar-free chewing gum and Rolly Brush® in the reduction of plaque index: crossover randomized clinical trial
Main Article Content
Background: The implementation of the self-cleaning practice is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of oral health and to remove the human dental biofilm which is considered the main etiological factor for the development of caries and periodontal diseases.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the use of chewing gum, Rolly Brush® and apples as forms of mechanical control and removal of the dental biofilm in the absence of brushing.
Materials and Methods: Eighteen volunteers were submitted to plaque index evaluation after a period of 24 hours of no oral hygiene. Then, they would use one of the methods: chewing gum, Rolly Brush®, apple or tooth brushing, chosen by a draw, for one minute, and then, plaque index was evaluated again. This stage was repeated until all participants were submitted to all selected methods, in periods of 24 hours each.
Results: Dental brushing was more effective when compared to each of the other methods applied and there was a statistically significant reduction of dental plaque index after apllying all methods of cleaning in all groups.
Conclusion: Chewing gum, Rolly Brush® and apple may be used as auxiliary to dental brushing or when such method is impossible to be performed. number of protocol NCT 03.601.585.
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Accepted 2021-04-28
Published 2021-02-12

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