Anterior crossed bite treatment with extraoral traction appliance: Delaire mask, in strabismus patient. Case report
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There is an altered relationship between maxilla and mandible in Class III malocclusion with anterior crossbite: maxillary retrognathism, mandibular prognathism or a combination of these; this disharmony can alter facial aesthetics. If we intervene at an early age we can achieve normal functions and harmony in the relationship of the jaws, leading to improve the aesthetics of the patient. It is important to consider the etiological factor to establish an adequate treatment plan and achieve long-term stability. The etiology is multifactorial; hereditary and environmental (habits, enlarged tonsils and mandibular posture). There are several treatment options depending on age such as maxillary orthopedics, orthodontics and orthognathic surgery.
Case report: a 9-year-old and 7-month-old female patient, with strabismus, whose mother consults because "her jaw is getting out"; the clinical and cephalometric findings determine a class III malocclusion with maxillary retrognathism, anterior cross bite, vertical growth, mixed breathing with nasal predominance, atypical swallowing and sigmatism. The treatment performed in this patient was in 2 phases: in the first mechanical orthopedics with Hyrax and Delaire's facial mask for 11 months, in the second phase SN3 functional orthopedic appliance (small lower fins).
Conclusion: The changes obtained with Delaire's facial mask are evidenced at the facial, dental and skeletal level, without compromising the strabismus alteration that the patient presents and handles with glasses.
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Accepted 2020-12-01
Published 2020-01-15

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