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Aim: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the behavior of the system locator settings associated with distal extension removable partial denture lower (PPR) by finite element analysis (FEA).

Materials and Methods: A Class II Kennedy 3D model using a CAD software Solid Works 2010 (SolidWorks Corp., Concord, MA, USA), and subsequently processed and analyzed by ANSYS Software version Model 14. One (1) was designed implant Tapered Screw -Vent® (ref TSVB10 Zimmer Dental-Carlsbad,CA,USA.) length x 10mm diameter 3.7mm with a 3.5mm platform, internal hexagon with its respective screw fixation; this was located at the tooth 37 as a rear pillar of a PPR, whose major connector was a lingual bar casting (alloy cobalt chromium), based combined (metal/ acrylic) with teeth to replace (37, 36 and 35). Efforts were evaluated von Mises in a 400N load. This analysis allowed assessing the performance of various prosthetic structures modeled and generated effects on bone-implant interface.

Results: Differences between the values von Mises in all structures and loads were observed before there was no permanent deformation in any of them. Structures such as bone showed in normal values microstrain.

Conclusions: The behavior of the PPRimplant connection, showed a favorable distribution efforts by using a PPR, subjecting it to load in the vertical direction.

Arenas-Chavarria, M. A., Giraldo-Gómez, S. D., Latorre-Correa, F., & Villarraga-Ossa, J. A. (2017). Evaluation of the behavior system locator associated with a removable partial denture, finite element analysis. Revista Estomatología, 25(2), 10–16.
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Received 2018-05-03
Accepted 2018-05-12
Published 2017-07-15