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Objective: To determine the prevalence of malocclusions in the three spaces planes in patients with dyslalias treated at the graduated functional orthopedics and orthodontic program at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Bogotá branch from January to July 2012.

Materials and Methods: A transversal descriptive study was held in study casts models and craniofacial radiographs from patients 5 years and older diagnosed with dyslalia. The Bjork method of malocclusion record was applied at the vertical, transversal and sagittal and space abnormalities. In order to determine the skeletal maxilomandibular relationship at the sagittal plane the McNamara analysis was applied. The statistical analysis for malocclusion was held trough analysis of frequency and percentage.

Results: The prevalence of malocclusions in patients diagnosed and evaluated was 68.3% sagittal, 51.2% vertical, 19.5% transversal and a 36.6% of space abnormalities.

Conclusions: Class I malocclusion had the higher prevalence, the relation between skeletal class II division I with increased over jet and dyslalia was not found.

Manuel Peña, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Odontólogo, Estudiante de la Especialización en Ortopedia Funcional y Ortodoncia

Maria del Pilar Rojas

Odontóloga, Estudiante de la Especialización en Ortopedia Funcional y Ortodoncia

Ángela Tirado, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Odontóloga, Estudiante de la Especialización en Ortopedia Funcional y Ortodoncia

Berta Benavides, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Fonoaudióloga, Profesora

Marta Hurtado, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Odontóloga Especialista en Ortopedia Maxilar, Profesora

Adiela Ruíz, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Bogotá

Odontóloga Especialista en Epidemiología General y Licenciada en biología y Química, Profesora

Peña, M., Rojas, M. del P., Tirado, Ángela, Benavides, B., Hurtado, M., & Ruíz, A. (2014). Prevalence of malocclusion in three planes of space in patients diagnosed with speech defects clinics at the graduate clinics of functional orthopedics and orthodontics, at the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Revista Estomatología, 22(1), 26–32.
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