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Objective: To establish the prevalence of infectious dissemination of odontogenic origin of the maxillofacial complex in patients attending for emergency consultation and outpatien service of a second level hospital in the city of Cali.

Materials and methods: We reviewed 142 medical records of adult patients of any gender and ethnicity, with diagnostic impression of periapical abscess with and without fistula, periodontal abscess, pericoronitis, cellulitis and mouth and face abscesses that had disseminations to maxilla and mandible, who attended the emergency dental service and the outpatient service of a level II hospital in Cali in 2009.

Results: One hundred and twenty four of 695 patients who attended the service of dentistry presented any infection of odontogenic origin, equivalent to the 17.8%. The most frequent diagnostics were acute periocoronitis, cellulitis and abscess.

Discussion: The dentist must know the prevalence of these infections and the risks of occurrence of a more complicated condition as a mediastinitis by spread from the dental infection, with a high rate of mortality. Infections such as these can put at risk the life of the patient which leads to hospitalization.

Conclusions: The anatomical area with greater commitment was the lower maxillary infection spread from the lower molars and premolars. It is important to recommend further promotion and prevention education strategy directed to dentists and vulnerable population, to explain the risks associated with an oral infection and the importance of early treatment and the possibility of generating resistance to antibiotics.

Johana Moreno, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Carlos Gutiérrez, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Adriana Jaramillo, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Moreno, J., Gutiérrez, C., Rodríguez, M., & Jaramillo, A. (2012). Prevalence of infection dissemination from odontogenic origin to the bucomaxilofacial complex. Revista Estomatología, 20(1), 23–29.
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