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he trigeminal nerve or V cranial pair of 12 cranial pairs identified since 1798, is the nerve of the first pharyngeal arch and provides general somaticc sensitivity of many structures of the head, except to the scalp below vertex. It is the most voluminous nerve of all cranial pairs of the encephalic peripheral nervous system. It has its apparent origin in the anterior and lateral region near the middle cerebellar peduncle and its true origins distributed in pseudounipolar neurons of trigeminal ganglion “Gasser” located in the middle cranial fossa and sensory and motor nuclei located at different levels of brain stem. Of the three peripheral divisions of the trigeminal nerve, maxillary and mandibular divisions provide the sensory innervation of the structures that constitute the oral cavity, and mandibular division also supplies
motor innervation of the masticatory muscles, making it an essential anatomical reference for dentistry.

Key words: Trigeminal nerve, ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve, mandibular nerve, gasserian ganglion, dermatome.

Guillermo Rivera, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Enfermero Universidad del Cauca. Estudiante Maestría en Ciencias Biomédicas.

Rivera, G. (2011). Trigeminal nerve: essential aspects from the biomedical sciences. Revista Estomatología, 19(2).
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