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Objective: We determined the ophthalmic diagnostic of dental students at the University del Valle (Cali, Colombia), and compared the findings of ophthalmologic evaluation in a group of students previously exposed to the use of the curing light in clinical practice, and other group of students not exposed to it.

Methods: It was implemented a survey by interview to report possible diseases, accidents and variables related to ocular pathology, including the use of curing lamp. Additional to this, it was performed an electroretinography, a photograph of eye fundus and a complete ophthalmological examination to each student.

Results: It was not found a statistically significant association between injury and exposure to the lamp, but there was a trend towards a higher percentage of ninth-semester students who presented some kind of ocular pathology, compared with students coursing fifth semester.

Conclusion: It is important to continue promoting and increasing knowledge about biosafety standards in dental students, dentists, assistants and patients, and give continuity to interdisciplinary work like this, which worked in a complementary manner with ophthalmologists. Further studies are recommended in the same population, after a period longer than two years.

Alejandra Giraldo, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Ana Marcela Hernández, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Maria Cristina Lerma, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Ingrid Zamnora, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante de último año de Odontología.

Giraldo, A., Hernández, A. M., Jaramillo, I. C., Lerma, M. C., & Zamnora, I. (2010). Ophthalmologic examination in dental school students and its relationship with the use of dental curing light. Revista Estomatología, 18(2), 7–10.
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