Root reabsortion induce by orthodontic procedures
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Summary: Investigation findings on tooth roots resorption are not trustworthy because they are
submitted to some special study characteristics like sample number, important factors control,
measuring methods and some characteristic elements related to research types. It’s well known that
the grate incidence of this type of pathology occur on frontal tooth upper incisive central,
incisive lateral and canines and on lower incisive laterals and canines because theirs longer and
sharper roots. When through the radiography findings it is possible clearly identify the root teeth
type we are able to predict the possibility of root resorption during the forces application needed
to orthodontic tooth movements and also we have the capability to inform to parents and the patient
about this possible risk, but we also have the opportunity to stablish the preventive actions in
order to minimize undesirable effects of the orthodontic treatment. Key words: Teeth roots
resorption. Orthodontic treatment complications. Preventive oriented information to parents and
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