Knowledges, attitudes, beliefs and practices about oral health in scholar population of public schools in Santiago de Cali, 2005
Main Article Content
Summary: Introduction: The Scholar population of the public sector of Cali
city has been object of actions of promotion, prevention and treatment, through the program of the
Healthy Student, we decided to make a Bucodental epidemiologist profile with the Analysis of the
Knowledge, Attitudes/Beliefs and Practices analysis to know the bucodental status of children and
the actions to achieved. Methodology: A systematic and cluster sample was made. A cross-sectional
survey was undertaken among 204.181 children from 47 scholar institutions, the clinic staff was
standardize for using the survey and the information was analyzed by the ACCESS® program. Results:
43,5% of children associate the mouth with functions like speaking and eating. 95% of children
reported to be in agreement with their teeth. 60% of children consider teeth must stay in mouth for
all life . 32.3% of sample goes to dentist when pain appears. Discussion: According to the results
obtained in the Municipal oral health survey compared with Departmental study made in 1998; results
were similar in most of the answers of the survey; we concluded that the children’s knowledge in
these last years have not varied in a significant way. Recommendations: It is recommended to
continue fortifying the component of self-esteem and self body acceptance within the Education in
oral health. Key words: Oral Health. Knowledge. Attitudes. Belief. Practices.
- Lina García, Adriana Reyes, Pedro Sarmiento, Organizational climate at Dentistry Scholl of University of Valle , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 14 No. 2 (2006)

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