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Kippel-Feil syndrome is a condition characterized by shortness of the neck resulting from reduction in the number of vertebrae or the fusion of multiple hemivertebrae into one osseous mass. It is characterized by a classic triad: short neck, low hair insertion line and limited neck movements. There are some associated conditions that could be presents like scoliosis, wryneck, Sprengel deformation, cardiovascular, kidney, hearing troubles and fissured palate. Kippel-Feil syndrome had been reported as an important cause of about 5 to 10% of fissured palate because skull basal lesions and spine cervical upper alterations could be the primary troubles for the tow part of the palate bone union. This article presents a case of Klippel-Feil syndrome, Sprengel deformity and clef p alate associated in a ten years old girl.

Katya Botero , Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado de Odontología Pediátrica y Ortopedia Maxilar.

Martha Tello, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.

Estudiante Postgrado de Odontología Pediátrica y Ortopedia Maxilar.

Botero , K., & Tello, M. (2005). Asociación de paladar fisurado y Síndrome de Klippel-Feil. Reporte de un caso. Revista Estomatología, 13(2).