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Bleaching of non-vital teeth is report in the literature since the year 1800. Diferent substances have been used going from net acid composition of bleanching agents like Oxalic acid, to oxigenated liquids used today. By other hand, diferent technique developed, have shown satisfactory results in the majority of cases in the inmediate moment Only until today, cases of external cervical resorption after bleanching are begining to be reported including after seven years at the procedure had been performed. The purpose of the present article is to review the historical evolution of the nonvital teeth bleaching, diferent substances, technics and the long term risks that could appear with a agresive technic, but not by this seldom used today.

Diego Vallejo Becerra, Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia

Profesor. Escuela de Odontología.

Vallejo Becerra, D. (1995). Recuperación del color original de los dientes tratados endodónticamente: blanqueamiento. Revista Estomatología, 5(1).