Exploratory study on analgesic pharmacovigilance actions of clinical teachers in stomatology
Main Article Content
Introduction: Drugs in the family of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics (NSAIDs) can cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions, hence the importance for the stomatologist to know how to prescribe and use each drug rationally.
Currently, there is no information on the pharmacovigilance actions of analgesics that are the responsibility of the stomatologist, so the objective of this research was to explore the pharmacovigilance actions carried out by clinical teachers in stomatology.
Materials and methods: For the purposes of this study, a 23-question questionnaire derived from the Mexican Official Standard NOM-220-SSA1-2016 on pharmacovigilance actions of analgesics was constructed. Google forms were used in a self-administered manner.
Results: 67.56% of the participants (n=37) were female. Regarding years of experience they have a minimum of 5 years and a maximum of 42 (M=13.36, SD=8.2). Most of the teachers (64.86%) monitor the analgesics they prescribe; however, 86.66% of the participants have never detected an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) and 70% do not monitor the possible pharmacological interactions of the prescribed analgesics.
Conclusion: There is a need for updating and educational initiatives in pharmacovigilance in stomatology, monitoring analgesic prescription patterns, developing prescription guidelines to ensure that patients receive the most effective treatment for their oral pain and structuring a protocol in accordance with current standards for reporting ADRs and recording drug interactions.
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Accepted 2024-11-06
Published 2024-11-25
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