Protocol for dental diafanization
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Background: Dental diaphonization is a technique that allows the teeth to be made transparent, making the internal anatomy of the root canals visible, offering an economical and reliable pedagogical tool; however, the literature does not report standardized protocols to obtain a predictable dental clearance.
Aim: obtain a standardized protocol for dental diaphonization as an educative model from the review of the literature and the realization of a pilot study.
Materials and methods: A systematic search was made on databases Scopus and Medline, with the Mesh terms "root canal", "diaphonization", "clearing", "morphology" and, “anatomy", and an extraction table was structured with the most representative variables to establish the three diaphanization phases, a. Decalcification, 5% Nitric Acid, 10% Formic Acid (TBD-2) and 10% EDTA were evaluated, b. Dehydration, ascending Ethyl Alcohols were used, c. Clarification, Methyl Salicylate, and Immersion synthetic oil were evaluated. 54 teeth were selected, 36 without root canal treatment and 18 with root canal treatment, then they were distributed into two groups: Group A, Teeth without root canal treatment, and Group B, Teeth with root canal treatment. Each group was constituted of 18 subgroups defined in order of the decalcification agent type, moment of the contrast medium application, and clarification agent type.
Results: Even though 5% Nitric Acid was the most corrosive agent, it allowed a better flow and accessibility for the contrast medium (Chinese ink) in teeth without root canal treatment. Likewise, 10% Formic Acid preserved the structure of the endodontic tooth. As a clarification agent, the Methyl Salicylate showed better visual results, achieving greater transparency.
Conclusion: The development of a pilot study aimed to standardize diaphonization techniques in dentistry allows the structuring of educative protocols that permit knowing the great tooth anatomic variability and the comprehension as well as the analysis of the root canal treated teeth, contributing to a pedagogic tool for the root anatomy awareness. Using 10% Formic Acid on root canal-treated teeth and 5% Nitric Acid on root canal not treated teeth, with transparency achieved by using Methyl Salicylate, showed better visual results on anatomy and endodontic filling.
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- Ivan Felipe Restrepo Salas, Gilbert Alfonso Morales , Ingrid Ximena Zamora , Carlos Humberto Martínez , Anatomy of the pulp chamber and the root canal system: Pedagogical strategies A literature review , Revista Estomatología: Vol. 31 No. 2 (2023)
Accepted 2023-03-06
Published 2023-01-23

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