Management of dental caries in times of covid- 19: A literature review.
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Background: In dentistry, the implementation of more conservative alternatives for the management of dental caries has always been sought. One option is the use of Silver Diamine Fluoride plus Potassium Iodide, which is a product easy to apply and allows the inactivation of dental caries.
Aim: To determine if it is feasible to use Silver Diamine Fluoride plus Potassium Iodide for the inactivation of carious lesions.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional documentary qualitative descriptive study for which a review of recent literature associated with journals with indexed databases was carried out.
Results: A total of 103 articles were obtained, which were analyzed and 40 of the 103 were selected, for the reason that the remaining 63 did not meet the inclusion criteria.
Conclusion: The use of Silver Diamine Fluoride plus Potassium Iodide for the inactivation of carious lesions, turns out to be an effective and viable alternative, that reduce the emission of aerosol particles, thus reducing the risk of infection of N-COVID-19 during dental treatment.
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Accepted 2021-06-28
Published 2021-09-15

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